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Results of the fourth project call in 2024

To support countries in the Global South in the fight against climate change, the Government of Flanders contributes to international climate financing. Since 2021, the Government of Flanders has launched four consecutive calls within the Flanders International Climate Action Programme for adaptation and mitigation projects in countries in the Global South. These projects enhance the implementation of climate policies, strategies, regulations, action plans and technology.

Through the Flanders International Climate Action Programme, projects are supported that demonstrate technological solutions, disseminate knowledge and information, and initiate capacity building. These projects must be carried out in countries in the Global South, with a Flemish organization taking the lead.

For the fourth project call, the Government of Flanders provides €15 million in subsidies, divided into two project types. 

€6.47 million for dissemination and/or capacity building projects

The project call of 2024 for dissemination and/or capacity building projects resulted in 46 submitted project proposals. These proposals were evaluated by an independent jury under the coordination of the Department of Environment.

On 19 July 2024, the Flemish Government approved the funding of 14 dissemination and/or capacity building projects for a total amount of €6.47 million. The approved dissemination and capacity building projects will start no later than 1 November 2024.

€8.53 million for demonstration projects

The submitted demonstration projects are currently being evaluated by the expert jury. A decision is expected in the fall of 2024.

14 approved dissemination and capacity building projects from the project call 2024

  1. Join For Water: Increasing knowledge and adoption of climate-resilient measures in Burundi
  2. CO2logic: Strengthening the climate resilience of agriculture and local communities in Chipanje Chetu in Mozambique
  3. VIB-IPBO: Capacity building for climate-smart breeding of orphan crops in Ethiopia
  4. Ghent University: smart management to mitigate effects of climate change on sustainability of shrimp farming
  5. Voices That Count: Climate adaptation and resilience enhancement strategies for small-scale fisheries in South Africa
  6. Trias: Ajupaja tikonel - Towards inclusive climate resilience for indigenous farming families in Guatemala
  7. ILVO: Participatory AI networking - Climate advice for future farming practice and environments
  8. VVOB: Climate and environment in agro-education in Ecuador
  9. BOS+: Eyes on the Amazon - Forest protection through the integration of patrols, good governance and satellites in Ecuador
  10. Join For Water: Citizen science for climate-resilient agricultural water management and local capacity building in Mali
  11. Rikolto: Restoration of Ouagadougou's green belt in Burkina Faso
  12. KU Leuven: Climate adaptation and mitigation through biogas at household level in Rwanda
  13. Broederlijk Delen: Formulation of a national law incorporating agroecology into climate policy in Colombia
  14. Oxfam Solidariteit: Climate adaptation and increasing the resilience of rural communities in Zinder in Niger

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Results from previous project calls

20216513€3,2 million€4,7 million
202210919€15,7 million€29,3 million
202310219€17,4 million€29,8 million

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