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Climate-smart agriculture for a carbon neutral cocoa value chain

Increasing the adaptation and mitigation potential of cocoa farmers in Bundibugyo in Uganda
Ongoing project

Increasing the adaptation and mitigation potential of cocoa farmers in Bundibugyo, Uganda

Climate change is one of the major threats to the sustainable development of Uganda and its efforts to end poverty. In recent years, the country has experienced increasingly adverse weather patterns that have seriously affected the livelihoods of its population. A case in point is the Bundibugyo district in the Rwenzori region in Western Uganda, where cocoa is grown.

Increased rainfall intensity has led to landslides and flooding while decreasing rainfall duration has resulted in higher temperatures and prolonged drought. The consequences of this are reduced vegetation cover, pollution, degraded soil quality with serious effects on cocoa production.

Climate-friendly and climate-resilient cocoa production in Uganda

In this project, Trias will make the cocoa farmers more resistant to the effects of climate change by using the “Building Resilience toolbox” developed by the AgriCord Alliance. This toolbox will enable cocoa farmers to identify the main climate risks and possible solutions, such as agro-forestry techniques to address landslides, floods and water logging. In parallel to this, the consultancy firm Zoto will train farmers to use several climate-smart agricultural techniques that aim for carbon neutral cocoa production.

Expected results

At least 300 cocoa farmers in Bundibugyo in Uganda will be trained in climate-smart agriculture to make the cocoa value chain carbon neutral and, through the “Building Resilience toolbox”, to adapt to the consequences of climate change. Best practices will be spread via the AgriCord Alliance network in order to encourage other farmers to follow a similar path. The results will be disseminated to investors and financial partners to persuade them to invest in similar projects.

Project coordinator
Total budget
Amount of subsidy
Start date
Project type
Dissemination and/or capacity building project

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Ilke Geleyn

Ilke Geleyn

Programme Manager G-STIC
Contribution to the Sustainable Development Goals